Most financial services execs who work from home would quit if required to return to the office (FOX Business)


    Most financial services execs who work from home would quit if required to return to the office – By Breck Dumas (FOX Business) / Aug 8, 2023

    Survey from Deloitte finds strict return-to-office mandates could hurt retention and recruitment

    Financial services firms taking a hard line on forcing workers back to the office could find themselves having trouble retaining managers and attracting new ones, according to new data.

    Deloitte’s latest survey of executives at U.S. financial services institutions released Tuesday found 66% of respondents who either work from home full-time or have a hybrid schedule said they would leave their job if required to return to the office five days a week.

    The global consulting firm said in its analysis that the findings should serve as “a call to action” for the industry, particularly for firms considering imposing overly-strict in-office mandates.

    In the survey, conducted in collaboration independent research organization Workplace Intelligence, most respondents said they preferred a flexible work arrangement more than other set workplace schedules, including hybrid models or fully in-office.


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