Home Conservative Must see! Lawmakers make hilariously ‘awful’ video about bill process (WND)

Must see! Lawmakers make hilariously ‘awful’ video about bill process (WND)


Must see! Lawmakers make hilariously ‘awful’ video about bill process – By Chelsea Schilling (wnd.com) / March 1 2018

Hold onto your seat! You won’t believe the ridiculously “awful” rap tribute made by the Utah House of Representatives on how a bill becomes law.

It’s so bad, one Twitter user declared, “This should be prosecuted as a hate crime.”

Another person issued a dare: “How far can you get without placing a hand over your face? I made it eight seconds.”

Utah lawmakers released the video “with a surprise twist”

Wednesday, and it’s set to the familiar tune of the theme song from “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.”

But this new take is called the “Fresh Prints of Bills Here”:


It begins:

Nooow, this is the story all about how
Our bills get flipped into a law.

I’d like to take a minute, just sit right there,
I’ll tell you how a bill becomes law in this, our cham-bear.

The rap continues: In the lawbook is where they spend most of their days, draftin’ out, maxin’ out, hardly relaxin’ all cool …

At the end of the song, a lawmaker sticks out his tongue, and the rap concludes, Look at that bill, it’s finally there, sitting as law, ready to be declared.

While politicians in suits – both Republicans and Democrats – use bizarre and jerky hand movements to try to convince viewers that legislative process is “cool,” the Utah House of Representatives unleashed a flood of online jokes and ridicule after it tweeted the video Wednesday.

Some comments included:


“I just threw up a little listening to that.”

“It’s goofy, but I bet people will learn a thing or two about how a bill gets passed.”

“I would say don’t quit your day job. But they’re politicians, so they can quit that one, too.”

“They sound as good as Kanye West.”

“I hate rap. I hate congressmen rapping even more.”

“This was awful.”

“Dear Lord, what were they thinking?”

“Holy h-ll, that was horrible.”

“This is so frightening, I’m going to quit my job.”

“What did I just watch?”

“This induced shooting pains in every part of my body.”

“No, you literally cannot fathom how terrible this is.”

“How far can you get without placing a hand over your face? I made it eight seconds.”

“This is the worst thing that has ever come into existence in all of human history, and I love every second of it.”

“My life will now be divided into before and after watching this.”

“This is a strong argument against federalism.”

“This should be prosecuted as a hate crime.”

“I’d rather listen to a toilet running.”

“And we wonder why politicians never accomplish anything …”

“Don’t these people have enough credibility problems?”

“How much was spent for this and who paid for it? Utah, we got a problem.”

“It’s not as bad as you think – it’s much, much worse.”



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