Nancy Pelosi fears for ‘morbidly obese’ Trump after hydroxychloroquine admission (The Guardian)


    Nancy Pelosi fears for ‘morbidly obese’ Trump after hydroxychloroquine admission – By Guardian staff and agencies (The Guardian) / May 19 2020

    The US House Speaker says president should not be taking a drug that has not been approved to ward off coronavirus

    Nancy Pelosi has led a chorus of surprise and alarm after Donald Trump said he was taking the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine to ward off coronavirus.

    Trump’s own government has warned that the drug should only be administered for Covid-19 in a hospital or research setting due to potentially fatal side effects.

    The US House Speaker did not mince her words when she was asked on CNN about the president’s decision.

    “He’s our president, and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and his, shall we say, weight group … morbidly obese, they say,” she said.


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