NASCAR’s Ray Ciccarelli says family has been ‘abused’ over Confederate flag post (New York Post)


    NASCAR’s Ray Ciccarelli says family has been ‘abused’ over Confederate flag post – By Zach Braziller (New York Post) / June 14 2020

    Ray Ciccarelli, the NASCAR driver who threatened to quit after the sport banned the Confederate flag, tried to set the record straight about his controversial post on Facebook, saying he believes his thoughts were misconstrued but doesn’t regret what he said.

    Ciccarelli took part in the NASCAR Gander RV & Outdoors Truck Series this weekend, finishing 29th, and isn’t sure if he will follow through on his threat about selling off his CMI Motorsports team following the 2020 season.

    “I wasn’t raised the way people are portraying me to be. That’s just not me,” Ciccarelli told “I am not that type of person. Just the attack — my wife, my family have been attacked and abused on social media. It’s just heartbreaking.”

    But he doesn’t regret what he wrote in the Facebook post, either, even if he has since deactivated his Facebook page. He insisted he wasn’t defending the Confederate flag. In the post, he wrote that he would quit after the 2020 season and “I don’t believe in kneeling during Anthem nor taken ppl right to fly whatever flag they love.”

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