New $2.2 Trillion Stimulus Includes Hundreds of Millions for Things That Have Nothing to Do With Stimulating Economy (Newsweek)


    New $2.2 Trillion Stimulus Includes Hundreds of Millions for Things That Have Nothing to Do With Stimulating Economy – By Meghan Roos (Newsweek) / Oct 8 2020

    The House of Representatives passed a new $2.2 trillion stimulus bill last week that Republicans have described as a Democrat “wish list” because of its high cost and items that have nothing to do with the coronavirus pandemic.

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi acknowledged that the bill included items unrelated to the pandemic while speaking on the House floor in support of the bill on October 1.

    “We can’t do everything in a bill that is corona-focused, coronavirus-focused,” Pelosi said. “We have challenges in our country that we must address in a bigger way, but what we have here is coronavirus-centric.”

    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell indicated shortly after the bill was introduced that it had little chance of making it to a vote in the Senate. Speaking with reporters on Capitol Hill on September 30, McConnell said that the bill’s estimated cost was “outlandish” and that Republicans and Democrats were “very, very far apart” in agreeing on a deal.

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