Home Conservative New Power Rangers Features Gay Hero

New Power Rangers Features Gay Hero


First TinkyWinky the Purple Teletubby was gay for carrying a purse then LaFou in Beauty and the Beast was gay for whatever reasoning and now the Yellow Power Ranger is gay?! Next thing you’re gonna tell me is that Fred and Barney Yabba Dabba Do’d each other – PB/TK 

New Power Rangers Features Gay Hero – By Joe Simonson March 20, 2017
Without completely falling into stereotypes, of course the lady Power Ranger is a lesbian, right?

That’s what people who have already seen the new film are saying, with early reviewers calling Trini the Yellow Ranger the first gay protagonist in a major superhero film.

Without completely falling into stereotypes, of course the lady Power Ranger is a lesbian, right?

That’s what people who have already seen the new film are saying, with early reviewers calling Trini the Yellow Ranger the first gay protagonist in a major superhero film.

In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, director Dean Israelite elaborated,

“For Trini, really she’s questioning a lot about who she is,” Israelite said. “She hasn’t fully figured it out yet. I think what’s great about that scene and what that scene propels for the rest of the movie is, ‘That’s OK.’ The movie is saying, ‘That’s OK,’ and all of the kids have to own who they are and find their tribe.”

The news of a gay Power Ranger comes amidst several introductions of gay characters into old stories.  Most notably, Josh Gad’s controversial gay interpretation of the character LeFou in the live-action remake of “Beauty and the Beast.”

Continue to heatst.com article: https://heatst.com/culture-wars/new-power-rangers-features-gay-hero/


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