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OAN host urges Americans to ignore study that found millions could die because of COVID-19: “People die on our highway systems every day” (Media Matters)


OAN host urges Americans to ignore study that found millions could die because of COVID-19: “People die on our highway systems every day” – By Media Matters Staff (Media Matters) / March 23 2020

From the March 19, 2020, episode of One America News’ The Tipping Point

LIZ WHEELER (HOST): There’s a nugget of information hidden in the Imperial College report that nobody’s talking about, no mainstream media outlet is reporting, even a lot of conservatives and Republicans have accepted the premise of the Imperial College report without question. When the promise appears faulty in multiple places. Let me back up.

The Imperial College report is being used by politicians as the premise for government’s reaction to the COVID-19 outbreak. The Imperial College report hypothetically predicts that between two and four million Americans will die due to the coronavirus. It’s no wonder people are paranoid and feel panic. The problem is the premise of the Imperial College report appears to be faulty. As we pointed out last night, the death rates Imperial College used in their model to predict the number of Americans who will die, is the 3.4% case fatality rate that’s been widely debunked here in the United States. In fact, the latest death rate here in the US is 1.6%. And even that is most likely significantly inflated because we don’t have widespread testing of people with mild or moderate symptoms, we’re only testing, for the most part, people in high-risk demographics with serious symptoms. Imperial College also assumes in their model that until a vaccine is developed and deployed, the U.S. does nothing medically to mitigate the mortality rate of the virus when people contract it, even though existing antiviral medication is already found to be helpful in fighting COVID-19.

This background is important because when governments are forcing private commerce to stop, shutting down private business, which inevitably leads to economic collapse, the politicians mandating this economic collapse better have a valid reason for it. And if their reason is the Imperial College report, which is based on what appears to be a faulty premise, then we have a problem.

According to Imperial College, that will work, but only if we do that extreme social distancing for eighteen months until a vaccine is tested and deployed on the whole population. If we relax extreme social distancing after two weeks or two months or six months or even a year, according to Imperial College the virus will come back and kill millions of Americans.

Continue to article: https://www.mediamatters.org/coronavirus-covid-19/oan-host-urges-americans-ignore-study-found-millions-could-die-because-covid


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