Home Liberal On OAN, former NRA president compares mass shootings to abortions (Media Matters)

On OAN, former NRA president compares mass shootings to abortions (Media Matters)


On OAN, former NRA president compares mass shootings to abortions – By Media Matters Staff (Media Matters) / May 26, 2022

Host Dan Ball and guest Oliver North use Uvalde shooting as an opportunity to shill North’s new book.

DAN BALL (HOST): I’m not happy about having you back because we have to discuss, obviously, what happened in Texas first, before we get to the book, because of what you wrote in this book, and the reason the timing of our producers booking you on this program — I hate to say it — the timing was perfect, if I should even say that because this is what we’ve got to get through. You’ve got radicals out there screaming from the rooftop, it’s all the guns’ fault. Nobody wants to talk about mental health. Nobody wants to talk about slipping through the cracks, not enforcing the things on the books, but more importantly, going back to one of the root causes — and I’ve said on this show, I think since day one, Ollie, and your book sums it all up for me — we’re running away from God. If that kid had God in his heart, there is no way he would have shot his grandma in the face and then went to a school and took 19 innocent, sweet little babies’ lives and two teachers. I firmly believe that.

OLIVER NORTH (FORMER PRESIDENT, NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION): Looking at the tragic consequences of what’s happening — I saw there’s a message that some congressman tweeted to [Rep.] Darrell Issa and I think to [Sen.] Ted Cruz with the F-word in it. Stop your effing prayers because your effing killing babies or killing children. Well, that’s the precise problem, because what — I would love to sit there with the congressman and ask him what did you expect when you drove God out of the schools, our government, our day-to-day lives, the ability of someone to pray in front of an abortion clinic for the kids that are being killed inside it. All those kinds of things have happened in this country by the far left, and I would just love to ask him, what did they expect the consequences to be? Because all three of these major killings, to include the one that happened yesterday in the New York subways, and the one that, a riot that occurred here in Virginia at a high school — 50-some odd kids — and the end of the day, there’s a dead kid again.

CONTINUE > https://www.mediamatters.org/one-america-news-network/oans-dan-ball-and-guest-oliver-north-take-elementary-school-shooting


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