One-Third of U.S. Residents Suspicious of Census, Survey Finds (Nextgov)


    One-Third of U.S. Residents Suspicious of Census, Survey Finds – By Tim Henderson (The Pew Charitable Trusts) / Feb 20 2020

    As the political stakes become clearer, more states are trying to motivate residents to participate in the census this spring.

    This article originally appeared on Stateline.

    Many U.S. residents suspect that their answers to the census count that kicks off next month will be used against them, according to an Urban Institute survey released today.

    The results show the need for more reassurance that answers are private and help communities get funding, said Michael Karpman, a research associate at the Washington, D.C.-based institute.

    “We’re conducting this census in a very challenging climate where there’s a great deal of mistrust in how answers are going to be used,” Karpman said.

    The survey of 7,694 people conducted in December found that around one-third of adults are concerned that their answers to census questions will be shared with other agencies or used against them in some way.

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