Home Conservative Only Trump Derangement Syndrome Can Explain Calls For Impeachment

Only Trump Derangement Syndrome Can Explain Calls For Impeachment


Really? Because I recall many GOP’ers, politician and base alike, who called for POTUS Barry’s impeachment quite often… So who’s deranging who? – PB/TK

Only Trump Derangement Syndrome Can Explain Calls For Impeachment – By John Daniel Davidson / May 16 2017

For months now, progressives have been calling for President Trump’s impeachment on grounds ranging from his supposed violation of the emoluments clause to his claim that the Obama administration wiretapped his phones at Trump Tower. So many Democrats have brought up impeaching Trump that CNN now keeps a running list.

Therefore it was only a matter of time before Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey sparked calls for impeachment from some prominent progressive, and last week Harvard professor Laurence Tribe did the honors. In an op-ed for The Washington Post, Tribe called on Congress to impeach the president for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” saying that Comey’s ouster amounts to obstruction of justice “vastly more serious than the ‘third-rate burglary’ that Nixon tried to cover up in Watergate.”

Normally, this sort of accusation would be a serious matter. After all, Tribe is one of the most revered legal scholars in America. He has argued before the Supreme Court dozens of times and is widely respected by lawyers and lawmakers across the ideological spectrum.

Yet Tribe’s call for impeachment rings hollow. Instead of a grave warning from a distinguished constitutional scholar, Tribe has become a high-profile example of Trump derangement syndrome—that political malady whereby pretty much everything Trump does, no matter how mundane, is a threat to our democracy and a trampling of the Constitution.

Continue to thefederalist.com article: http://thefederalist.com/2017/05/16/trump-derangement-syndrome-can-explain-calls-impeachment/


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