Opinion | NY should worry about Gavin Newsom’s funding health care for illegal migrants in California (New York Post)


    Opinion | NY should worry about Gavin Newsom’s funding health care for illegal migrants in California – By Susan Shelley (New York Post) / Jan 20, 2024

    California is now providing full health insurance, free, to all low-income undocumented immigrants.

    Full scope Medi-Cal, called Medicaid in other states, covers primary and preventive care, specialists, prescription drugs and other services.

    Previously, immigrants without legal status were eligible only for restricted scope Medi-Cal, which provided benefits for such things as emergency room visits and pregnancy-related care.

    But effective January 1, 2024, all low-income California residents, regardless of immigration status, are eligible for the same taxpayer-funded, safety-net health insurance program on which 14 million Californians already rely.

    CONTINUE > https://nypost.com/2024/01/20/opinion/california-funding-health-care-for-illegal-migrants-is-dangerous/

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