Opinion | Ohio Board of Ed member’s resolution will stop government’s ‘reign of terror.’ (Columbus Dispatch)


    Opinion | Ohio Board of Ed member’s resolution will stop government’s ‘reign of terror.’ – Letters to the Editor (Columbus Dispatch) / Oct 9, 2022

    Resolution protects parents’ rights
    State Board of Education member Brendan Shea has introduced a resolution regarding the use of Title IX that will help reinforce our rights to raise our children without interference from the government.

    Passing this resolution will help stop the reign of terror by the federal government, the biggest bully and threat to parents and to the safety of our children. They want to gut Title IX, which will destroy the very premise it was created for – to protect girls from discrimination in schools, athletics, and academia.

    The new version will amputate the rights of parents to make healthcare choices for our children by allowing schools to hide information from parents about our children based on “the parents might abuse the child if they know their child is transgender.”

    That is a grossly false narrative. Parents cannot be denied their rights because some “may” react negatively. Sadly, some children may unfortunately fall victim to unsympathetic parents and there are resources outside of schools for them to receive help.

    CONTINUE > https://www.dispatch.com/story/opinion/letters/2022/10/09/letters-ohio-board-of-ed-members-brendan-shea-anti-lgbtq-resolution-protects-parents-rights/69541171007/

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