Opinion | What Polls Tell Us About Abortion and the Midterms (Intelligencer)


    Opinion | What Polls Tell Us About Abortion and the Midterms – By Ed Kilgore (Intelligencer) / July 8, 2022

    Soon after the Supreme Court agreed to hear a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade back in May 2021, speculation began that a radical decision abolishing constitutional abortion rights not long before the midterms could affect the trajectory and outcome of those elections. “It could become a major campaign issue for supporters of both parties and rare groups of swing voters in both federal and state elections,” I said in September of that year.

    And here is why, I argued, a decision reversing Roe would likely produce a net benefit for Democrats:

    “Since Roe at least, anti-abortion activists and their aligned voters have been thought to be more focused on elections and motivated to turn out for them than their pro-choice counterparts. The reason is obvious if you think about it: The status quo has been largely pro-choice thanks to Roe, so all the energy associated with any movement for change has been associated with the anti-abortion cause. Pro-choice folk could rely (or so they thought) on the Supreme Court to protect their rights …

    If SCOTUS goes the whole hog and kills or seriously wounds federal abortion rights next year, the topic could become a central focus of national Democratic messaging … because the perceived status quo would switch sides.”

    CONTINUE > https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/what-polls-tell-us-about-abortion-and-the-midterms/ar-AAZmct8

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