Oregon law to decriminalize all drugs goes into effect, offering addicts rehab instead of prison (USA Today)


    Oregon law to decriminalize all drugs goes into effect, offering addicts rehab instead of prison – By Lindsay Schnell (USA Today) / February 1 2021

    PORTLAND, Ore. – For Janie Gullickson, rock bottom came both slowly and all at once.

    A long time drug and alcohol addict, Gullickson pushes back on the idea that one terrible day on the street leads to an epiphany and a climb back to normalcy. That’s what happens in movies, not real life.

    “I lived in the bottom for years,” says Gullickson, now 52. “For me and people like me, I laid there and wallowed in it for a long time.”

    But if she has to pick the lowest point – one that lasted years, not days, she says – it came shortly after she hit 30 in 1998. At that time, Gullickson had five kids by four different men, ages 5 to 11. She came home from work one day as a locksmith to find that her ex-husband had taken her two youngest and left the state. Horrified, devastated and convinced that this was the beginning of the end, her life quickly spiraled: She dropped her other son off with his dad, left her two daughters with her mom and soon became an IV meth user.

    CONTINUE >  https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/02/01/oregon-decriminalizes-all-drugs-offers-treatment-instead-jail-time/4311046001/


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