Oxford students revolt after ‘woke’ provost tries to abolish traditional Grace before dinner in lost battle for inclusivity (Russia Today)


    Oxford students revolt after ‘woke’ provost tries to abolish traditional Grace before dinner in lost battle for inclusivity – By Russia Today Staff (Russia Today) / Nov 13 2019

    Students at Worcester College, Oxford have rallied against tradition-bucking policies being pushed through by their provost, who wants to end the centuries-old customs of standing for dons and saying a Latin Grace before meals.

    According to media reports, students have been informed that the college is aiming to replace the Anglican Grace, which is read before meals in Latin, with various texts from around the world – some not even religious in nature.

    The college, founded in 1714, is also looking to end the practice of standing for dons, members of the university’s teaching staff, as they walk into the dining hall. The proposals are purportedly designed to boost “inclusivity” at Worcester – but furious students clearly saw the changes differently. In a referendum on the issue of standing for tutors, students voted 130 to 20 to keep the practice. Students are now petitioning the college’s governing body to restore the tradition.

    Student leader Damon Falck said that his fellow young scholars are “passionate about keeping the theatre that reminds them of this place’s history and that it’s a special place to be.” Worcester is one of the few Oxford colleges that still retains most formal traditions in its dining hall.

    Continue to article: https://www.rt.com/uk/473308-worcester-college-oxford-grace-protest/


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