Papa John’s fallout in Indiana: Colts sticking with company; IU has not commented (Indy Star)


    Papa John’s fallout in Indiana: Colts sticking with company; IU has not commented – ByJordan Guskey (Indianapolis Star) / Aug 13 2018

    The University of Louisville said it will remove the Papa John’s name from its football stadium, and that it will rename the John H. Schnatter Center for Free Enterprise at its business college. (July 13) AP

    The Indianapolis Colts have decided to maintain a relationship with Papa John’s, while Pacers Sports & Entertainment has not deviated from its initial July statement that announced a decision to evaluate its relationship with the pizza company after its founder used the n-word.

    Numerous professional sports organizations suspended or ended their relationships with Papa John’s in July after it became known John Schnatter had used the racist term during a May conference call.

    Purdue went further, removing his name from a campus building.

    Ball State said it would keep the name of Schnatter, an alumnus of the school, connected to an institute at the school. Indiana University has not responded to requests for the status of its relationship with Papa John’s.

    The Colts believe its in their best interest not to change course because of how the company has reacted in the aftermath of the scandal,

    More: How Indiana institutions are dealing with Papa John’s name

    “Because of the significant corporate changes made by Papa John’s, we don’t anticipate making any changes at this time,” said Steve Campbell, the Colts’ vice president of communications, in an email.

    Schnatter was removed as chairman of the board of directors by the company and his image has been removed from the company’s advertising. He resigned from the board but later said it was a ‘mistake’ to do so. Schnatter still owns 30 percent of the company.

    Campbell would not provide any additional information about the team’s relationship with Papa John’s.

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