Home Conservative Pat Robertson Thinks Sexual Harassment Allegations at ‘The Fox News’ Were Fabricated...

Pat Robertson Thinks Sexual Harassment Allegations at ‘The Fox News’ Were Fabricated by Hackers


Pat Robertson goes on the FOX defensive and claims hackers are the reason for so many sexual harassment issues at the network.

Yep for now on the dog didn’t eat your homework and nor did you have inappropriate actions with that girl, it was hackers messin’ with your tinfoil hat- PB/TK 

Pat Robertson Thinks Sexual Harassment Allegations at ‘The Fox News’ Were Fabricated by Hackers – By David Bixenspan / Aug 8 2017

On Tuesday’s edition of “The 700 Club,” Pat Robertson’s Christian-oriented talk show that airs on Trinity Broadcasting Network and at odd hours on Freeform, Robertson addressed the latest Fox News scandal. Host Eric Bolling was suspended this week after two employees accused him of sending them a photo of male genitalia.

Robertson brought up not just the Bolling story, but also the larger issue of the culture of sexual harassment at Fox News. Making sure to say that he’s “not a conspiracy theorist” and that he “[doesn’t] have a lot of firsthand information,” he proceeded to, without any evidence, suggest that hackers posed as Bolling and others to send the offending messages.

He said: “If you wanted to destroy the Fox News, you really wanted to destroy them, what would you do? Well, you would send some salacious material, ostensibly from one of their popular co-hosts or hosts, and you’d send it out and then get it publicized, and then you have some woman complain that she had gotten this salacious material from this particular co-host, and then you would come to Fox, and Fox is so averse to any kind of legal action that they would immediately take the person off the air, so before long, you would have decimated the prime-time lineup of all the Fox hosts. Easy to do? Absolutely. Is it being done? Probably.”

Continue to ijr.com article: http://ijr.com/2017/08/942109-pat-robertson-thinks-sexual-harassment-allegations-fox-news-fabricated-hackers/


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