Pentagon releases dramatic video of raid that killed ISIS leader (New York Post)


    Pentagon releases dramatic video of raid that killed ISIS leader – By Kenneth Garger (New York Post) / Oct 30 2019

    The Pentagon on Wednesday released dramatic video from the raid that led to the death of ISIS fiend Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi — and recounted in careful detail how they carried out the historic attack.

    “The operation was exquisitely planned and executed,” declared Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, Commander of US Central Command, at a Wednesday night press briefing.

    One video, shot from a military aircraft above Baghdadi’s remote Syrian hideaway, shows a number of US ground troops approaching the compound where the ISIS leader’s tunnel was eventually found.

    “This is a video of the assault force actually closing up to the compound,” said McKenzie.

    Once the troops arrived, they were met by a number of civilians, including 11 children, exiting the compound. The civilians were “treated humanely at all times” and eventually released from US custody.

    “I want to make it clear that despite the violent nature of the raid, and the high profile nature of this assault, every effort was made to avoid civilians causalities and to protect the children that we suspected would be at the compound,” Mckenzie told reporters.

    Before approaching by ground, US helicopters above the compound were fired on from enemies below, who weren’t believed to be affiliated with ISIS.

    Footage also showed the moment US air forces zeroed in on the combatants, blowing them away with explosives.

    Once inside the isolated hideout — which was roughly four miles from the Turkey border — US troops encountered five ISIS members who officials said posed a threat and were killed.

    “They did not respond to commands in Arabic to surrender — and they continued to threaten the force,” McKenzie said of the jihadists — who included four men and a woman.

    Two men were also detained.

    As US troops crept deeper into the compound and closed in on al-Baghdadi, he blew himself up with a suicide vest, killing two young children by his side.

    Pentagon officials also revealed that American dog of war, Conan, who chased down and cornered al-Baghdadi, , is a four-year Army veteran who has complete roughly 50 combat missions.

    “These animals protect US forces, save civilian lives, separate combatants from noncombatants and immobilize individuals who express hostile intent,” McKenzie said.

    Following the suicide, the soldiers “secured whatever documentation and electronics we could find, which was substantial,” said McKenzie.

    Before departing, US forces obliterated the compound with several precision munitions.

    Pentagon officials showed before and after images of the compound to paint a picture of the destruction.

    “It looks pretty much like a parking lot with large potholes right now,” said McKenzie.

    The United States Central Command on Wednesday said al-Baghdadi’s remains were buried at sea.

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