Pfizer vaccine less effective at preventing infection in younger than in older children, study suggests (Sky News)


    Pfizer vaccine less effective at preventing infection in younger than in older children, study suggests – By Sky News Staff (Sky News) / March 1, 2022

    Researchers said the results highlight the potential need to study alternative vaccine dosing for children.

    A study suggests Pfizer jabs in children aged five to 11 were less effective at preventing infection than in children aged 12 to 17.

    The New York State researchers’ study shows that during the recent Omicron surge, efficacy against infection among five to 11 year olds who had received Pfizer fell 56% from 68% to 12% while those aged 12-17 only fell 15%.

    However the study also shows that during the surge, between mid-December and the end of January, the Pfizer jab was protective against severe disease in children aged five to 11.


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