Philadelphia police: At least 50 ATMs have been blown up in George Floyd riots; man arrested on WMD charge (MSN)


    Philadelphia police: At least 50 ATMs have been blown up in George Floyd riots; man arrested on WMD charge – By Michael Ruiz (FOX News) / June 3 2020

    Looters have used explosives to try and break into dozens of ATMs in Philadelphia since Saturday, the city’s police commissioner said during a press conference Wednesday — and at least one man has been arrested for allegedly selling homemade dynamite.

    “In addition to the looting and vandalism, there has been a marked increase in attempts to forcibly enter ATM machines,” Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said. “These attempts have included the extremely reckless and dangerous use of explosive materials.”

    She said police have responded to at least 135 “explosive events” overall in the last few days, including about 50 ATMs that were damaged or opened as the result of blasts.

    Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro said at least one person had been arrested after allegedly hawking homemade dynamite along with instructions on how to use it specifically to break into ATMs.

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