Police launch probe into violent arrest of female beachgoer (New York Post)


    Police launch probe into violent arrest of female beachgoer
    By Bruce Golding (newyorkpost.com) / May 27 2018

    The cops who got caught on video during a violent scuffle with a young woman on a New Jersey beach have been taken off the street pending a probe into their actions, officials said Sunday.

    The Wildwood (N.J.) Police Department also revealed that Emily Weinman, 20, of Philadelphia, was slapped with multiple charges — including two counts of aggravated assault on an officer and being a minor in possession of alcohol — in the incident.

    A 54-second video clip posted online shows one of the cops punching Weinman in the head, then flipping her over with his forearm across her neck before she was subdued with the help of another cop.


    A third cop also kept on-lookers at bay.

    By late Sunday afternoon, the video had been viewed about 2 million times since being posted on Twitter by user @HewittLexy, who said she recorded the melee on Wildwood beach at 4:11 p.m. Saturday.

    “An Internal Affairs Investigation was immediately initiated into this matter and the involved officers have been reassigned to administrative duty pending the outcome of a full and thorough investigation,” the Wildwood PD said in a statement posted on Facebook.

    “While Chief [Robert Regalbuto] finds this video to be alarming, he does not want to rush to any judgment until having the final results of the investigation.”


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