Pompeo Warns US Governors of Risks of Dealing With China (VOA)


    Pompeo Warns US Governors of Risks of Dealing With China – By Cindy Saine (VOA) / Feb 8 2020

    U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is warning American governors of the risks of doing business with China, saying competition with China is happening on a federal, state and local level and it has consequences for U.S. foreign policy and national security.

    Pompeo spoke Saturday to a National Governors Association meeting in Washington, telling the governors he knew they had likely been approached by people from China who wanted to invest in their states. He said economic ties with China could be mutually beneficial, just like in the first part of the trade deal President Donald Trump signed with China last month.

    But he warned that China had strategically assessed U.S. vulnerabilities and was seeking to exploit the openness of the American system to gain advantage over the U.S. at all levels.

    ‘They labeled each one of you’
    Pompeo told the governors that last year, a Chinese government-backed research institution in Beijing produced a report that assessed all 50 of America’s governors on their attitudes toward China.

    “They labeled each one of you friendly, hardline or ambiguous. I’ll let you decide where you think you belong. Someone in China already has,” he said.

    Continue to article:  https://www.voanews.com/usa/pompeo-warns-us-governors-risks-dealing-china

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