Powell blasts sanction hearing, defends suit to overturn Michigan vote (The Detroit News)


    Powell blasts sanction hearing, defends suit to overturn Michigan vote – By Craig Mauger (The Detroit News) / July 12 2021

    Sidney Powell, one of the most vocal figures in the push to overturn the 2020 election, stood by her efforts Monday during a contentious and unusual six-hour hearing in which a Detroit federal judge repeatedly poked holes in her team’s claims.

    U.S. District Judge Linda Parker labeled elements of the unsuccessful lawsuit to have Donald Trump named Michigan’s winner “fantastical,” “obviously questionable” and “layers of hearsay.” Parker also said lawyers have a responsibility to investigate assertions they present.

    Monday’s hearing featured the rare occurrence of legal advocates being questioned about their moves to discredit a presidential election with possible penalties hanging over their heads.

    Facing potential financial sanctions, Powell refused to relent. She said “the duty of lawyers” was to raise “difficult and even unpopular issues.”

    CONTINUE > https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2021/07/12/michigan-judge-weighs-whether-sanction-pro-trump-attorneys/7934063002/


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