Pres. Trump to Hold Listening Session With Students, Teachers Wednesday (OAN Network)


    Pres. Trump to Hold Listening Session With Students, Teachers Wednesday – By OAN Newsroom ( / Feb 18 2018

    President Trump delivers a statement on the mass shooting at a South Florida high school from the White House on Thursday.

    President Trump is continuing efforts to make sure the safety of the nation’s schools is his administration’s top priority.

    The White House said the president will host a listening session with students and teachers Wednesday, in the aftermath of the deadly school shooting in Florida.

    He is also set to meet with state and local officials Thursday to discuss safety protocol in schools across the U.S.

    President Trump has already visited Parkland and met with victims, first responders and state lawmakers.

    He has promised something will be done to help end school shootings.

    PB/TK – Another POTUS taking a stand against societal ills. Yes a noble effort to listen, but it’s the follow up actions that speak the loudest, pro and con. You can’t talk about trying to help the mentally ill when previous actions saw government pull funding. It’s been proven that no matter how hard law enforcement tries or laws put in place, guns fall into the wrong hands. Hell there are States that are pushing legislation to allow police department to sell seized firearms. Yes, a listening session is an emotional response but filled with repeated messages from horrific events from years past

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