President Obama Put an All-Gender Bathroom in the White House. Trump Kept It


    Now wait a minute, POTUS Donnie pushes against “Gender Neutral” bathrooms, but keeps one open at the White House? – PB/TK

    President Obama Put an All-Gender Bathroom in the White House. Trump Kept It – Zeke J Miller, & Katy Steinmetz Feb 28, 2017

    The Trump Administration is maintaining a gender-neutral restroom at the White House, despite recently rolling back a key Obama-era policy designed to protect transgender youth.

    The White House’s “All-Gender Restroom” was established during the Obama Administration in 2015 in Room 180 of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, just steps from the West Wing. A White House official confirmed late Monday that the single-user restroom remains in place for White House staff and visitors.

    “The President believes it’s a states’ rights issue,” White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said last week of bathroom access for transgender people, adding that Trump believes that individual states and districts should set their own policies. As for the President’s own policy, as a candidate, Trump told NBC’s Today Show last year that Caitlyn Jenner could use any bathroom in Trump Tower of her choosing. “That’s consistent with everything he’s said,” Spicer said on Feb. 23.

    While leaving a bathroom in place might seem like a tiny gesture, it has added symbolic weight after Trump’s Administration chose to backtrack on other moves Obama made in support of transgender rights before he left office. First, Trump’s Justice Department dropped a challenge in a lawsuit over the key policy guidance that the Obama Administration had issued, instructing federally funded schools to respect transgender students’ gender identities — or run the risk of violating Title IX, which prohibits sex discrimination in education.

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