President Trump: I was surprised by Dr. Fauci’s caution (OANN)


    President Trump: I was surprised by Dr. Fauci’s caution – By OAN Newsroom (OANN) / May 13 2020

    President Trump has called Dr. Anthony Fauci’s concern over reopening the economy unacceptable.

    On Wednesday, the president met with the governors of Colorado and North Dakota at the White House. The president was asked by a reporter if he agrees with Fauci’s outlook on reopening the economy with “caution.”

    “Well, I was surprised by his answer, actually,” he said. “It’s not an acceptable answer, especially when it comes to schools.”

    The president has recently stressed the importance of reopening schools safely and as quickly as possible.

    “We’re opening our country, people want it open,” he added. “The schools are going to be open.”

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