Primary voter turnout surges with mail-in ballots (OANN)


    Primary voter turnout surges with mail-in ballots – By OAN Newsroom (OANN) / June 8 2020

    State officials all over the country sent mail-in ballots to voters amid the coronavirus pandemic to protect citizens and encourage social distancing.

    Some states are now seeing their highest voter turnout in years. Voter turnout reportedly surpassed 2016 levels in at least four of the eight states that held primaries this week

    Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate decided to mail absentee ballot request forms to every registered voter and extend the voting period by 11 days. The state had its highest ever turnout for a primary with about 524,000 votes cast. More than 400,000 voters were from absentee ballots.

    Pate said the goal was to ensure citizens did not have to stand in long lines and risk exposure.

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