Progressives prepare to launch counter-attack in tax fight (The Hill)


    Progressives prepare to launch counter-attack in tax fight – By Naomi Jagoda (The Hill) / Sept 2 2021

    Progressive groups are gearing up to promote President Biden’s proposals on tax hikes for wealthy individuals and corporations as Democrats in Congress move forward with drafting a multi-trillion dollar social spending package.

    Biden and congressional Democrats aim to pay for new spending in areas such as education, health care and climate through those tax increases. But business groups are funding a lobbying blitz against the proposals, targeting Democratic lawmakers who have raised concerns about the tax plans.

    Progressive advocacy organizations and labor groups hope to counteract K Street’s lobbying push and keep Democrats united. They’re arguing that proposals to raise taxes on wealthy people and corporations are in line with public sentiment.

    “Taxing the rich is incredibly popular, and so I think we need to remind some Democrats about that,” said Maura Quint, executive director of the progressive group Tax March. “Ultimately, I do believe that Democrats in general support Biden’s plans.”



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