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QAnon leader tells followers she can time travel — and ‘retribution is coming’ for Democrats: report (Raw Story)


QAnon leader tells followers she can time travel — and ‘retribution is coming’ for Democrats: report – By Sky Palma (Raw Story) / June 02 2021

A QAnon adherent who claims she can time travel is whipping up her thousands of followers to carry out a plot to oust elected officials in the U.S. and replace them with QAnon followers, VICE News reports.

After months of building a network of groups in all 50 states, Terpsichore Maras-Lindeman promised her followers that “retribution is coming for what she says was the stolen 2020 election. She also claims Donald Trump will be reinstated into office.

While growing her subscriber base on Twitch, Maras-Lindeman, who streams under the name Tore Says, has raked in tens of thousands of dollars, even convincing her subscriber base to donate over $80,000, so she could buy a new Tesla.

CONTINUE > https://www.rawstory.com/qanon-time-travel-retribution-democrats/

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