‘Racism Is as American as Baseball’ Banner Unfurled at Fenway Park – By Rachel Lewis (time.com) / Sept 14 2017
Four spectators were removed from a Boston Red Sox baseball game on Wednesday night after unfurling a black banner that read ‘Racism is as American as Baseball’ as the team hosted the Oakland Athletics at Fenway Park.
The huge banner appeared during the fourth inning but was removed at the request of the umpires after just one batter. Crowds booed when the fans were removed from the stadium shortly after, the New York Times reports.
The protesters, in a statement to the Washington Post, said that they were a group of white anti-racist protesters. “We want to remind everyone that just as baseball is fundamental to American culture and history, so too is racism. White people need to wake up to this reality before white supremacy can truly be dismantled.”
According to the Sox, who lost, 7-3, to Athletics, the banner was “in violation of in violation of the club’s policy prohibiting signs of any kind to be hung or affixed to the ballpark.” The statement added that “the individuals involved were escorted out of Fenway Park.”
PB/TK – I wonder if they’ll be talking about this on ESPN in a non-political manner, I leave you to decide which sportscasters will be allowed to talk and which ones told to zip-it. Then again thankfully they didn’t do this at a football game, because their might be some confused soccer fans out there