Rand Paul: Trump ‘got bad advice’ on killing of Soleimani (The Hill)


    Rand Paul: Trump ‘got bad advice’ on killing of Soleimani – By Justine Coleman (The Hill) / Jan 6 2020

    Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Monday that President Trump “got bad advice” on his decision to kill top Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani in a strike last week.

    Paul said on CNN’s “The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer” that “it’s now a certainty” there will be more attacks on Americans in revenge for Soleimani’s killing, as the general’s replacement is a “hard-liner.” The Kentucky senator also mourned the loss of a chance for diplomacy with Iran.

    “This is sad,” he said. “I mean, the death of Soleimani, I think, is the death of diplomacy with Iran. I don’t see an off-ramp. I don’t see a way out of this.”

    The Kentucky senator suggested former national security adviser John Bolton was behind the efforts to kill Soleimani and said Trump received “bad advice.”

    He also said he considers killing the general an act of war that requires permission of Congress.

    Paul responded to a Washington Post report that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo came up with the idea to kill Soleimani, saying he didn’t want to question his intentions but wished the administration had considered the consequences.

    Continue to article: https://thehill.com/policy/international/middle-east-north-africa/477055-rand-paul-trump-got-bad-advice-on-killing-of

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