Redistricting panel ignores counsel, ‘interprets’ rules for individual maps (The Detroit News)


    Redistricting panel ignores counsel, ‘interprets’ rules for individual maps – By Beth LeBlanc (The Detroit News) / Nov 4 2021

    Michigan’s redistricting commission Thursday set limits on when commissioners can submit individual proposed maps in the coming weeks — limitations that ignored the advice of their general counsel and may conflict with voter-approved constitutional language.

    Commissioners voted to approve the motion Thursday as they finalized the proposed collaborative maps they will move into a 45-day public comment period followed by a final vote Dec. 30.

    “We’re clarifying our interpretation of the statute, or of the constitutional amendment,” said commission Chairwoman Rebecca Szetela, a non-affiliated member. “We are not rewriting or redefining the Constitution. We’re just defining how we’re going to interpret it.”


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