Home Conservative Rep. Jim Jordan Grills Jeff Sessions About Comey Special Prosecutor (Daily Caller)

Rep. Jim Jordan Grills Jeff Sessions About Comey Special Prosecutor (Daily Caller)


Rep. Jim Jordan Grills Jeff Sessions About Comey Special Prosecutor – By Nick Givas (dailycaller.com) / Nov  14 2017

GOP Rep. Jim Jordan grilled Attorney General Jeff Sessions Tuesday on Capitol Hill about appointing a second special counsel to investigate former FBI Director James Comey.

Jordan expressed concern over the lack of action with regard to Comey’s investigation of Hillary Clinton, and said the House had sent Sessions a letter about the matter over three and a half months ago.


“If you’re now just considering it — what’s it going to take to get a special counsel,” Jordan asked. “We know that former FBI Director James Comey misled the American people when he called the Clinton investigation a ‘matter.’ It’s obviously an investigation.”

Sessions said he believes more facts need to come in before any action can be taken.

“It would take a factual basis that meets the standards of the appointments of a special counsel,” Sessions replied.

Jordan then asked if the DOJ was currently examining the standards required for a special counsel and Sessions said, “We will use the proper standards and that is the only thing I can tell you Mr. Jordan. You can have your idea but sometimes we have to study what the facts are, and to evaluate whether it meets the standard and requires a special counsel.”

According to Sessions, the mere appearance of impropriety isn’t enough for the Justice Department to take step in.


PB/TK – This is where I get confused; I assume AG Sessions knows his job and the rules of that job so why are members of Congress routinely telling him exactly how to do his job



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