Home Liberal “Rep” of Anthony Scaramucci threatens to leak oppo on Reince Priebus regarding...

“Rep” of Anthony Scaramucci threatens to leak oppo on Reince Priebus regarding an alleged affair


The name calling, the backstabbing, the backroom deals, the colorful exaggerations.. the only thing this Administration is missing is a Susan Lucci appearance to be considered a Daytime Soap Opera – PB/TK 

“Rep” of Anthony Scaramucci threatens to leak oppo on Reince Priebus regarding an alleged affair – By Taylor Link /July 30 2017

The toxic relationship between Reince Priebus and Anthony Scaramucci took an ugly turn Sunday morning when a confidant of Scaramucci threatened to release damning info on Priebus.
Arthur Schwartz, a GOP operative who has been described in media reports as a “rep” for Scaramaucci, wrote a series of now-deleted tweets in which he tried to blackmail Priebus’ silence.
Schwartz offered no proof to back up his baseless accusation regarding a mistress.
He was responding to a Huffington Post story that reported that Priebus was suspicious of Scaramucci’s business dealings and apparently made those concerns known to President Donald Trump.


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