Rep. Schiff stonewalling release of witness testimonies (OANN)


    Rep. Schiff stonewalling release of witness testimonies – By OAN Newsroom (OANN) / April 25 2020

    Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) appears to be blocking the release of witness transcripts related to the Russia probe. Reports emerged earlier this week, suggesting the House Intel Committee chairman has repeatedly denied requests to release the documents, despite a unanimous 2018 vote by the panel to make that information public.

    Schiff has allegedly objected to the White House’s requests to review several of the documents for classified information before release, but has also refused to release those that have already been declassified.

    Commenting on the delay, GOP Congressman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) implied the real reason for Schiff’s refusal was an unwillingness to expose mischaracterizations of evidence carried out by Democrats during the probe.

    “Well, I think it’s pretty easy,” said Nunes. “The Democrats don’t want these transcripts out because they are not good for them.”

    He has called on Schiff to release the transcripts of some 50 witness interviewed during the investigation into allegations that President Trump had colluded with the Russian government to win the presidency.

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