Home Conservative Report: China Among Worst Offenders in Human Trafficking

Report: China Among Worst Offenders in Human Trafficking


Gee China was just downgraded (yet still listed among the worst offenders) for human trafficking however the US still allows travel there plus public/private business along with Sudan, North Korea and Syria sitting right beside them.

But you know who has a better ranking then the above; Cuba and we don’t do anything with them because we don’t like the Castros – PB/TK

Report: China Among Worst Offenders in Human Trafficking – BY Adam Pribila / June 27 2017

The U.S. State Department released its annual Trafficking in Persons Report, which is “the world’s most comprehensive resource of governmental anti-human trafficking efforts,” on Tuesday.

Among other countries labeled as critical violators — including Russia, Syria, and Iran — China joined their ranks.

The report rates various nations on how successfully they deal with the problem of human trafficking within their jurisdiction. Rated from Tier 1, in which a government fully complies with Trafficking Victims Protection Act’s minimum standards, to Tier 3, in which governments appear to be making no attempts to comply, China was downgraded this year to Tier 3.

The report, according to CNN, “listed a wide variety of human trafficking that occurs in China, including forced labor, forced begging, sex trafficking and exploitation, and the trafficking of women, men and children from other countries into China.”

Continue to ijr.com article: http://ijr.com/2017/06/907164-report-china-among-worst-offenders-human-trafficking/


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