Report: Seattle remote workers put in more hours than in-office workers during COVID pandemic (Seattle P-I)


    Report: Seattle remote workers put in more hours than in-office workers during COVID pandemic – By Lindsey Major (Seattle P-I) / June 25 2021

    The coronavirus pandemic forced many industries to adjust to health protocols, many of which sent employees packing up their desks and setting up their offices at home.

    However, as vaccination rates continue to increase, more employers are starting to consider returning to the office. And as businesses look at productivity data, recent research from FilterBuy found that remote workers are not only equally productive at home, but in some cases, logging more hours per week than their in-office peers.

    When it comes to part-time work, the research found that part-time workers are logging fewer hours at home than in the office. Part-time workers at home recorded an average of 19.3 hours per week compared to their counterparts at the office who worked an average of 21.5 hours per week. The opposite is true for full-time workers. At home, full-time employees reported working an average of 45.6 hours per week, while in the office, the average worker reported 43.8 hours.

    In Seattle, according to the study, remote workers logged an average of 1.3 more hours per week than workers in the office. The report found full-time remote employees worked an average of 45.1 hours per week, while non-remote workers recorded an average of 43.9 hours per week. Of the Seattle remote workers, 63% in the study were full-time employees.


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