Home Liberal Republican Governors Association sinks millions into combatting Trump’s ‘vendetta tour’ (Daily Kos)

Republican Governors Association sinks millions into combatting Trump’s ‘vendetta tour’ (Daily Kos)


Republican Governors Association sinks millions into combatting Trump’s ‘vendetta tour’ – By Kerry Eleveld (Daily Kos) / May 23, 2022

At least some Republicans outside of Washington appear to be doing what Republicans inside of Washington have never had the guts or moral fiber to do: Oppose Donald Trump.

Trump’s insistence on challenging incumbent GOP governors such as Georgia’s Brian Kemp for failing to steal the 2020 election was apparently a bridge too far for the Republican Governors Association (RGA). So the group decided at a Phoenix retreat late last year to directly oppose Trump’s insurgency, according to reporting from The Washington Post.

Though the RGA has traditionally sidestepped Republican primaries, this cycle the group’s leaders concluded they had no choice but to pour millions into protecting sitting governors who had become the focus of Trump’s ire.

CONTINUE > https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/5/23/2099749/-Republican-Governors-Association-sinks-millions-into-combatting-Trump-s-vendetta-tour


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