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Republicans Are Worried Legalizing Weed Will Put Police Dogs Out of Work (Vice)


Republicans Are Worried Legalizing Weed Will Put Police Dogs Out of Work

Republicans Are Worried Legalizing Weed Will Put Police Dogs Out of Work – By Manisha Krishnan (Vice) / April 26, 2023

There’s no indication that any dogs are upset about it.

Republicans desperate to save K-9s’ jobs following weed legalization seem to have forgotten that unemployment is, in fact, the default for dogs.

Minnesota’s House of Representatives passed a bill Tuesday night that would make non-medical weed legal in the state for people 21 and older. The 300-page bill passed by a vote of 71-59.

In the discussion leading up to the vote, Republican state Rep. Brian Johnson, who wasn’t in favor of the bill, said he was concerned about the cost of getting rid of police departments’ furry, four-legged snitches.

“I did not see anything reading through the bill dealing with our K-9 units,” Johnson said.

CONTINUE > https://www.vice.com/en/article/epvx47/republicans-worried-police-dogs-legal-weed



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