Republicans Cannot and Will Not Reduce Gasoline Prices (Washington Monthly)


    Republicans Cannot and Will Not Reduce Gasoline Prices – By David Atkins (Washington Monthly) / Oct 21, 2022

    The pain at the pump isn’t going away, despite their drill-baby-drill talk. The good news is that the electric revolution has arrived.

    It’s time for real talk about gasoline prices. It matters why prices are high, who can do something about it, and what they can do about it. Unfortunately, many politicians vow to lower auto fuel prices but have no power or plan to do so. This is especially true of Republicans, who are making dishonest promises about gas prices that they cannot keep.

    Consciously or unconsciously, gas prices profoundly impact people’s perceptions of the economy and their behavior in the voting booth. President Joe Biden and the Democrats have seen their fortunes rise and fall this year based mainly on gas prices alone, despite existential issues from abortion to Ukraine to the fate of democracy itself.

    Republicans have pinned the pain at the pump on Biden without explaining why, save for griping about a “Green New Deal” that never passed a Democratic Congress. The GOP has no real plans for reducing prices, and its one semblance of vague grunt of an idea, more drilling, would not do anything to lower prices at the pump.


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