Resettlement Deal Between Australia, U.S. Moves Forward (


    Resettlement Deal Between Australia, U.S. Moves Forward – By OAN Newsroom ( / Sept 21 2017

    The first batch of refugees from Australian detention centers are expected to arrive in the U.S. within the next few weeks.

    In a statement Wednesday, the Australian government said refugees will soon be notified whether they have been cleared for the move.

    Back in 2016, the U.S. agreed to take just over 1,200 refugees under a resettlement deal struck by former President Obama.
    Australia’s prime minister assures that despite the move tough vetting will remain in place.

    “There are many that have been, that are being vetted but it is entirely up to the United States as to how many are taken because they have got to go through their vetting,” said Austrailian Prime Minister Turnbull.

    While President Trump has expressed past disapproval for the resettlement deal, he says he will still honor it.

    According to reports, the first 25 refugees will be headed to the states in just a few weeks from the island nation Nauru and from the detention compound on Manus Island in Papua New Guinea.

    PB/TK – There seems to be a theme with this Administration.. After all the talk & pot banging they keep honoring deals they disapprove of

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