Home Liberal Right-wing media now blames mass shootings on marijuana use (Media Matters)

Right-wing media now blames mass shootings on marijuana use (Media Matters)


Right-wing media now blames mass shootings on marijuana use – By Jacina Hollins-Borges (Media Matters) / July 8, 2022

Amid the ongoing crisis of mass shootings in America, conservative media are trying to deflect blame for mass shootings onto anything but guns. One particularly misleading scapegoat for gun violence is marijuana, with Fox News hosts and other right-wing media denizens falsely claiming that mass shootings are the result of heavy pot use.

The narrative has picked up in the aftermath of the July 4 mass shooting in Highland Park, Illinois, that left seven dead and 46 injured. The next day, Fox News host Laura Ingraham claimed that marijuana use is a plausible cause of mass shootings, saying regular pot use in young men can trigger “psychosis and other violent personality changes,” and went on to link other mass shooters’ marijuana use with the extreme violence they carried out.

Fox host Tucker Carlson also blamed the shooting in Highland Park partially on a society full of young men “high on government-endorsed weed.”

CONTINUE > https://www.mediamatters.org/laura-ingraham/right-wing-media-now-blames-mass-shootings-marijuana-use


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