Home Conservative Romney: ‘Understatement’ to Say America ‘Didn’t Look Real Strong’ with Trump’s Coronavirus...

Romney: ‘Understatement’ to Say America ‘Didn’t Look Real Strong’ with Trump’s Coronavirus Response (Breitbart)


Romney: ‘Understatement’ to Say America ‘Didn’t Look Real Strong’ with Trump’s Coronavirus Response – By Pam Key (Breitbart) / April 29 2020

Tuesday on CSPAN, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) criticized the Trump administration’s initial response to the coronavirus pandemic compared to the rest of the world.

Romney said, “The first phase which is getting ready to respond, clearly we were not in a position of extraordinary strength. We didn’t have the testing as fast as we could have or should have, we did not have the personal protective equipment we would’ve hoped to have.”

He continued, “Then just in terms of crisis management, the willingness of the federal government to step in and to coordinate everything from PPE to testing to repair of our hospital systems and so forth, those things, none of those things really stood out as being great moments in American leadership. I think the world was a bit surprised by that.”

Continue to article:  https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2020/04/29/romney-understatement-to-say-america-didnt-look-real-strong-with-trumps-coronavirus-response/


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