Ron DeSantis vows to abolish the IRS — can he actually do it (Washington Examiner)


    Ron DeSantis vows to abolish the IRS — can he actually do it? – By Sarah Bedford (Washington Examiner) / July 2, 2023

    Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) this week joined a line of Republican candidates who, over the years, have made far-fetched promises to eliminate entire federal agencies if elected president.

    “We would do Education, we would do Commerce, we’d do Energy, and we would do IRS,” DeSantis told Fox News this week, laying out which departments would be on the chopping block.

    The GOP presidential candidate conceded that Congress might not approve such a plan, in which case he said he would harness the power of the agencies to “push back against woke ideology.”

    But his pitch raises questions about how such an effort would, or could, work.


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