Sarah Palin’s son arrested on domestic violence claims (ABC News)


    Sarah Palin’s son arrested on domestic violence claims
    By The Associated Press ( / Dec 18 2017

    Court documents say Track Palin, the oldest son of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, was arrested on charges related to domestic violence again.

    He was arraigned Sunday morning on three counts of felony burglary, misdemeanor reckless assault and misdemeanor criminal mischief.

    He remained jailed in Palmer, Alaska, as of Sunday afternoon.
    Track Palin previously faced domestic violence charges in 2016.

    Court records say he was suspected of punching his girlfriend, who then became concerned that Palin was going to shoot himself with a rifle. He took a plea deal that resulted in some of the charges being dismissed and he pleaded guilty to misdemeanor possessing a firearm while intoxicated.

    Attorney John Tiemessen, who said he represents Sarah Palin, acknowledged the arrest Sunday and asked for privacy.

    No attorney was listed for Track Palin.

    PB/TK – There’s gonna be many people laughing about Palin’s arrest, I admit that I gave a twisted smile when I first read the headline, but then I quickly remembered after reading that Palin had served in the military in Iraq and now I wonder if he’s been diagnosed with PTSD and wish him healthy recovery 


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