‘Say Their Names’ mural depicting Breonna Taylor, George Floyd vandalized in Louisville (Louisville Courier Journal)


    ‘Say Their Names’ mural depicting Breonna Taylor, George Floyd vandalized in Louisville – By Ben Tobin (Louisville Courier Journal) / June 28 2021

    LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A mural at the intersection of 11th and West Main Street in Louisville depicting Black people recently killed by law enforcement — including Breonna Taylor, David McAtee and George Floyd — has been vandalized.

    The “Say Their Names” mural, which was unveiled in July 2020 and is on the side of the building that houses Trifecta Event Productions, was covered in light blue paint as of Monday morning.

    Louisville Metro Police Department spokesman Dwight Mitchell said Monday the department’s first division is in the early stages of investigating the vandalism and noted that it is “currently collecting evidence and canvassing the neighborhood for any witnesses.”

    Braylyn Resko Stewart, one of three artists who created the mural, said he first found out about the vandalism Monday morning after the owner of the building sent him a photo of the defaced mural.

    CONTINUE > https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/local/2021/06/28/mural-depicting-breonna-taylor-george-floyd-vandalized-louisville/7783430002/

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