School Superintendent Charged With Child Rape Sues to Get His Job Back (TIME)


    School Superintendent Charged With Child Rape Sues to Get His Job Back – By Associated Press ( / Dec 9 2017

    (BELLEFONTAINE, Ohio) — An Ohio school superintendent charged with child rape has sued to get his job back.

    The Springfield News-Sun reports former Indian Lake Schools superintendent Patrick O’Donnell claims in a lawsuit filed in Logan County that he was unfairly fired and that a state referee said the district should wait to decide his job status until after the criminal case concluded.

    He was fired Nov. 20. The 52-year-old O’Donnell was indicted on rape and other charges in July after being accused of sexually assaulting a young girl.

    His wife, 47-year-old Heather O’Donnell, was charged with child endangering for failing to report allegations to police. She is on unpaid leave from her position as superintendent of an education services center.

    Both have pleaded not guilty.

    School officials say the firing was justified.

    PB/TK – Have we flipped the argument this week of rape/sexual inappropriate behavior to “innocent till proven guilty” as non-fireable reasoning for an employee or public official to keep their job? Well in the case of public official, it all depends on their political affiliation

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