Home Conservative Schumer: No SCOTUS Appointment While There Is A Cloud Hanging Over Trump’s...

Schumer: No SCOTUS Appointment While There Is A Cloud Hanging Over Trump’s Head


Shut up Chuckie. I see no true issue with Gorsuch just as I saw no true issue with the last 5 SCOTUS nominees to wear the pleated robe – PB/TK

(CNSNews.com) – As Republicans hail Judge Neil Gorsuch as an “outstanding” Supreme Court nominee, Democrats are lining up against him for partisan reasons.

“My view is very simple,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) told a news conference on Tuesday. “And that is, there is a cloud now hanging over the head of the president, and while that’s happening, to have a lifetime appointment made by this president seems unseemly, and there ought to be delay.”

Continue to cnsnews.com article: http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/schumer-no-scotus-appointment-while-there-cloud-hanging-over-trumps-head


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