Sean Spicer on ‘Dancing with the Stars’? Why Trump Press Secretary’s Stint on ABC Show Would Be Even Shorter Than His White House Run


    Sean Spicer on DWTS? Hey why not, look what it did for the careers of Rick Perry and Bristol Palin – PB/TK

    Sean Spicer on ‘Dancing with the Stars’? Why Trump Press Secretary’s Stint on ABC Show Would Be Even Shorter Than His White House Run – By Tufayel Ahmed / July 27 2017

    Sean Spicer has plenty of practice dancing around questions fired at him by the White House press corps, but his next big gig could be on an actual dancefloor.
    The outgoing White House press secretary is being courted by ABC producers to appear on the next season of Dancing with the Stars, reports Politico, citing two sources with knowledge of the ongoing casting process.
    The prospect of Spicer dancing to “Spice Up Your Life” on national television is incredibly alluring, but reports fall short of confirming whether Spicer is actually in negotiations, or if he’s even been approached with an offer yet.

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