Senate passes bill to guarantee federal pay in the event of a shutdown (Federal Times)


    Senate passes bill to guarantee federal pay in the event of a shutdown – By Jessie Bur ( / Dec 21 2018

    The Senate is going into emergency preparations in advance of a potential partial government shutdown scheduled to happen if Congress cannot pass a spending bill by the end of Dec. 21.

    A bill that would ensure federal employees receive pay for the duration of a shutdown and after appropriations are legislated was passed unanimously in the Senate, as Congress scrambles to come up with an appropriations bill agreeable to all parties before the midnight deadline.

    Shutdown Watch: Senate agrees to move forward on funding debate

    “We’re going to continue to fight to keep government functioning,” said Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., in a speech on the Senate floor. “By this action, we are telling you that when we have appropriations restored, you will be compensated for that time.”

    Congress has generally voted to restore federal employee pay after a government shutdown has occurred, but this bill would proactively guarantee that feds get paid following a potential shutdown.

    “Federal employees should not be punished – and their paychecks held hostage – by the government dysfunction that leads to a shutdown. I was pleased to get this legislation passed tonight in the Senate, and I urge my colleagues in the House of Representatives to pass it without delay,” said Sen. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md. “As we work to avoid a shutdown all together, providing our federal workforce with the certainty that they will receive their paycheck is the right thing to do.”

    The legislation now moves on to the House for consideration.

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